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Approximately 25% of the company's managed forests is a natural conservation area and provide habitats for around 722 indigenous animal and plant species.
We sustainably manage 8,200 ha of forests in Prata, Brazil. These provide the raw material for our pencils and cover the majority of our wood demand.
Faber-Castell uses 100 percent
FSC or PEFC certified wood worldwide.
Every year, around 300,000 seedlings are planted in the company's own forests.
Every product contains valuable raw materials. To extend their usability, many products can be refilled.
The Faber-Castell Group works on reducing plastics or replacing them with recycled materials.
Faber-Castell covers 82 percent of the global energy demand from renewable sources.
Faber-Castell is the pioneer in its field of business in matters of environment-friendly industrial production methods and securing a long-term source of timber was foremost in its corporate thoughts as far back as the 1980's. In Brazil, the company uses fast-growing softwood from its managed forests and maintains its own tree nurseries. Saplings are continually planted out to replace each row of trees felled: a sustainable ecological cycle. Around 300,000 young trees of the type Pinus caribaea are planted and raised each year on a total area of some 8,200 hectares, thousands of miles from the endangered Amazon rainforests. After 20 to 23 years they are large enough to be harvested as environmentally compatible raw material for black-lead and color pencils. Not just the materials used but also the development, production methods, and disposal of all kinds of waste are subjected to critical analysis. For example, Faber-Castell played a pioneering role in the use of environment-friendly water-based paint for coating its wooden-cased pencils.
The 8,200 Ha of forests managed by Faber-Castell in Prata, Brazil not only provide wood for our production, but also plays an important role in providing habitat to native plant and animal species, protecting watersheds, and capture CO2 from the atmosphere via photosynthesis.
One quarter of the company’s own forests in Brazil are native environment preserved and have become a biotope for rare animal and plant species. It is home to 272 bird species, 79 mammal species, 40 fish species, 32 reptile species, 38 amphibian species, 261 ant species. 20 animal species are endangered.
All production sites in the Faber-Castell Group are certified according to the international norms to ensure that the quality and environmental protection standards are met.
A majority of the wood used for the worldwide production of Faber-Castell pencils come from 100% FSC-certified forests, and thus originate from responsible sources.
Faber-Castell uses PEFC-certified wood as an alternative to FSC-certified wood. Both certification schemes ensure the sustainable management and use for forest resources.
Timber from certified sustainable forestry (e.g. FSC, PEFC, SFI).
Faber-Castell was the first manufacturer to introduce the environmentally-friendly water-based varnish technology, which is used for almost all writing instruments produced at the main factory in Stein.
As a world leader in the production of erasers, Faber-Castell avoids the use of harmful softeners. The erasers are produced under strict quality control and are PVC-free.
Every product contains valuable raw materials. To extend their usability, many products can be refilled.
Faber-Castell works on reducing plastics or replacing them with recycled materials. The products or packaging are made of recycled plastic or cardboard.
The packaging is made of recyclable cardboard.