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Creativity for Kids - Crafts for Kids

Creativity for Kids offers fun and creative experiences today to nurture children’s confidence for life. 40+ years of experience makes us THE experts in the creative activities category that we founded. We know that engaging children in creative activities develops confidence through problem solving, self-expression and independence. Award-winning and highly engaging, the Creativity for Kids line has a wide variety of activities for girls and boys. Craft kits span a variety of sub categories such as fashion, jewelry, paper & memory crafts, light-up crafts, room décor, preschool crafts, sensory crafts, GROW gardening crafts, and holiday crafts.

Best Sellers

New Crafts for Kids

Diamond Painting for Kids

Preschool & Sensory

Classic Crafts

STEAM Crafts (Science, technology, engineering, arts, math)

Fashion Crafts

Holiday Crafts

CFK founders

The History of Creativity for Kids

The inspirational story of "Creativity for Kids" begins with two women, Phyllis Brody and Evelyn Greenwald who believed in the power of creativity in children's lives. This conviction came from their own childhood play experiences, those of their children and the many workshops and classroom programs that brought them into contact with children around the world.

CFK founders

Creativity for Kids Throughout the Years

In 1976, the company was founded as Creative Art Activities, Inc. by Phyllis Brody and Evelyn Greenwald. Working with kids in schools, museums, and other settings, the two women become convinced that all children are naturally creative and will benefit from experiences that stimulate and encourage creativity.

Creativity for Life Blog

3 Ways to Inspire Creative Thinking

3 Ways to Inspire Creative Thinking

Kids are naturally creative and rarely encounter difficulty generating new ideas. Into adulthood, your mind remains fully capable of fresh creative thinking - you just have to give it the right opportunities. Here are some ideas on how to encourage creative thinking.

Who boredom makes kids more successful

Why Boredom Makes Kids More Successful

Boredom gets kids to use their imaginations. In order to entertain themselves, kids WILL unlock their creative juices and see the world in a new light. What is important to note is that down the road, the ability to engage in free thinking can lead to works of art, inventions and breakthroughs in science.

How to Encourage Your Child's Creativity in a Screen Time Era

How to Encourage Your Child's Creativity in a Screen Time Era

Creativity and screen time CAN co-exist. Your child spending a lot of time on devices may be inevitable in this age, but fear not: here are five suggestions for fostering your kids’ creativity in spite of today’s obsession with devices.