Fourth of July Firework Watercolor Tutorial

A watercolor tutorial that will cause a spark!
Hi everyone, Mou Saha here with a watercolor Fourth of July tutorial using Watercolors in Pans and a Pitt Artist Pen. I have compiled the materials list for you.
Grip Writing EcoPencil with Eraser (HB) - #117200
Kneadable Art Eraser - Grey - #127220
Watercolors in Pans 48ct - #FC169748
Mixed Media paper
With the grip pencil, make a quick and light simple outline sketch of a firework rocket.
Fill your water brush from the Pan Watercolors set with water. Color the nose cone of the rocket red. I used Deep Scarlet Red 219. You can refer to the booklet insert from the set to know the names of the colors you are using. I used the same color for the bottom rim of the body tube.
Color the body tube with Oriental Blue 285. In true watercolor style, color around the stars leaving the white of the paper to show, rather than painting them white later.
Paint the stick of the rocket firework brown. I used Venetian Red 180.
As I am painting my rocket as being launched, I added some fire at the bottom of the rocket using yellows, oranges and reds – Cadmium Yellow 107, Dark Cadmium Yellow 108, Dark Chrome Yellow 109, Cadmium Orange 111, and Scarlet Red 118.
Write ‘Celebrate’ with the same water brush using Deep Scarlet Red 219, Permanent Carmin 126, Oriental Blue 285, Ultramarin 120 and Cobalt Blue143, moving from one wet color to the next, letting them blend naturally.
Allow the free flow of the letters. They may not all turn our perfect. You can also add little decorative details once the paints start to dry.
I hope you enjoyed today’s Watercolor Pan tutorial. Wishing those who celebrate, a safe Happy 4th!