Love-Zine Valentine's Day Craft for Kids

Hi everyone, Mou Saha here with a tutorial for creating fun quick Valentine Love-Zines with kids using Gelatos. I have made a complete materials list for you.
Gelatos® - Bubble Gum - #771210
Gelatos® - Margarita Mix - #771233
Gelatos® Colors - Snow Cone - #771232
Gelatos® - Metallic Melon - #771231
Gelatos® - Metallic Mint - #771203
Goldfaber Aqua Watercolor Pencil - #199 Black - #114699
Printer Paper – 8.5 x 11 inches
On an 8.5 x 11 inches printer paper, make some scribbles with your favorite Gelatos color. Lightweight papers like printer paper are easier to fold.
Fill up the page with more scribbles with other colors of Gelatos.
Let’s fold the paper to make the Love-Zine.
1. Fold paper lengthwise in half. Line up the edges and crease well. Open.
2. Fold paper widthwise in half. Line up the edges and crease well. Open.
3. Fold edges to center widthwise in halves. Line up the edges and crease well.
4. Fold back widthwise like step 2. Cut straight from center to first crease with scissors.
Folded back upon itself, this is what the zine should look like.
Gather and fold like a book as shown. Re-crease if needed for a neat stack.
Write love messages on each surface with a color pencil. I hope you enjoyed today’s tutorial on making Valentine Love Zines. Happy Valentine’s Day to y’all!