Spooky Spider Bookmark Halloween Craft

I love Halloween- it’s a chance to get silly AND spooky! With these spider bookmarks, you can hold your place AND make a craft that is sure to be a hit. It’s perfect for our friends with food allergies who might not get to enjoy trick-or-treating.
You’ll need the following supplies:
- Jumbo craft sticks
- Acrylic paint and brush (optional) Skip this step if you are working with a large group!
- Smaller and larger black pom poms, one each per bookmark
- Black chenille stem- one per bookmark
- Thick white glue
- Wiggle eyes
- Loom band or small rubber band
- Wire cutter or old scissors
Start off by painting your jumbo craft sticks with acrylic paint. Paint both sides, and use two coats if necessary, for adequate coverage. Let dry.
Paint both sides; two coats may be necessary.
Next, using the wire cutters cut the chenille stem into 4 equal lengths. These will be the spider legs.
Tie them together in the middle with a loom band and fan them out.
Glue the smaller pom-pom to the top of a craft stick, Glue the legs right underneath, centering the lets in the middle. They should stick out on either side.
Glue the larger pom-pom right on TOP of the legs, using more white glue.
Add the little wiggle eyes to the head. I know technically a spider has a BUNCH of eyes…but this is the cute version!
Now add a dab of glue just below the spider. It’s should only be about the size of a nickel. (Don’t worry, all of that white glue will dry clear.)
Now place the second craft stick down. It will seem longer than the first one, since it is off set. That’s perfect! It makes it easier to slide the book pages between them.
Let your bookmark dry, then bend the legs a bit to look more like a spooky spider!
I even have a video for you- and I show you how to make a “bonus” creature bookmark at the end. Just in case spiders aren’t your thing.
These are so fun to make, and they really work- your bookmark will not slip out. What kind of silly creature will YOU make?