More Than Just a Color: White Pitt Artist Pens®

In a world full of color, perhaps the most powerful pen an artist can use is a white Pitt Artist Pen ®. Adding a white Pitt Artist Pen to your collection brings the opportunity to add dimension and character to your images as well as alter the appearance of other colors. Made of India ink and available in four nib sizes: brush, calligraphy, 1.5 mm bullet nib and 2.5mm bullet nib, Faber-Castell’s white Pitt Artist Pen offers professional grade quality in a versatile artist marker.
Keep it Simple:
We pride ourselves in our Pitt Artist Pen selection of 60 colors and 6 metallics, but there is something special about a simple monochrome piece of art. The contrast of black and white creates an opportunity for great depth and bold statements and draws attention to fine detail.
Offer Opacity:
The rich pigment of India ink supplies flexibility in the opacity of your drawing. White India ink can vary from highly opaque to transparent, all depending on the substrate being used and the layers of application. The white Pitt Artist Pen is particularly radiant and bold against a dark substrate. To strengthen opacity, apply an extra layer of ink. Create a singular layer of ink for a more transparent appearance. The ability to create a more transparent finish is perfect to use when desiring a more subtle or blended touch.
The Pitt Artist Pen is made ready to create; you do not need to pump or prime the nibs as the India ink is already flowing. It is also important to remember, a product this special requires care. Store your white Pitt Artist Pen horizontally to preserve proper ink flow and opacity.
Alter Appearance:
Using a white Pitt Artist Pen alone creates a beautiful bold image; mix with other colors and you will discover another unique coloring quality to the white ink. There are two recommended methods of mixing white with other India ink colors. If you have a color that you desire to just make slightly tinted, layer strokes of the color of your choice over a layer of the white ink. For a more blended subtle color appearance, layer the white ink over the strokes of the color of your choice.
Bring it to Life:
With a desire to capture an image as realistic as possible, it is important for an artist to utilize various techniques. Adding highlights and accents to an image brings another dimension and adds character to your creation. There is no better way to add the illusion of light to an image than with the white Pitt Artist Pen. Thanks to its high opacity, the ink can be applied effortlessly on layers of dried watercolor, graphite, artists’ colored pencils, or colored ink. Apply highlights where the imaginary light hits the highest part of an object.
White India ink is more than just a color, it is an opportunity to make a statement. Faber-Castell’s white Pitt Artist Pen is a unique addition to the art world that is unmatchable. The expressiveness and covering power of the ink, along with its permanence and ability to be combined with many other painting techniques, have ensured that this artist pen will continue to consistently spark the interest of artists and graphic designers.