How to Draw with Watercolor Pencils - Art Lesson

Watercolor techniques that will give each painting its extra special touch!
Special technique: WatercolorÂ
Kids: 6 years and older
10 min
What you need:
Water Cup Clic & Go
By applying a wash, you can convert drawings made with GRIP and water-soluble pencils into aquarelle paintings. For this project you will learn specific watercolor techniques which will give each painting its extra special touch. Many exciting possibilities to explore when you also use stencils or sponges. Below you will find a few ideas and suggestions. Feel free to give them a try together with your child.
Removing wet color by means of dabbing at the object with a piece of crumpled up paper will generate additional effects.
Why not try dabbing another way! Follow these instructions and together with your child you will conjure up light spots and highlights that make your pictures look more vivid. Simply proceed the following way ...
...after applying a wash over colored parts of your picture, these parts will remain wet for some time. If you take an absorbent cloth or a piece of paper towel and dab the paint off the picture you may selectively remove some of the color.
Stencils ...
Painting the stencil for obtaining the watercolor style effect wipe
... are boring because you can only draw the same picture over and over again? No, that’s simply not true! With a few tricks, you and your child can create various variations of pictures with the help of a stencil, a couple of colored pencils and a few drops of water.
By the way, you can make cardboard stencils without any further ado. Just draw a simple motif and cut it out by means of a cutter. Should you not be an experienced ‘cutter’, you should make sure that you do not hold the knife too upright and never move it towards your hand. And now, you will finally get some information about stencil techniques…
1. Watercolor style effect wipe

Color the edge of the stencil by using water-soluble pencils; then draw the paint toward the center of the pattern by means of a damp paintbrush.
2. Zebra crossing

Shade the center part of a stencil by employing a pencil. Remove the stencil, then take a paintbrush and put stripes, checks and dots onto the pattern.
3. Rainbow colors

Why merely use one color when you have a whole paint box at your disposal? Use a few colors and paint the areas inside the stencil. Put water on the colored areas, then wipe or dab them with a paper towel.
4. The magic stencil

Draw a pattern by means of dense hatching strokes, then put the stencil on top of it, apply a damp paintbrush and draw inside the stencil.
Shadow effect

a pencil line turns into a shadow.
It is easy to draw sensational shadows by referring to water-soluble contours.
For this project, you can apply a wash over the contours on the edge of the figure. Wiping the colors towards the center will produce a three-dimensional effect. If you wipe the colors towards the outer edge you will obtain a shadow effect which looks like the shadow of the figure.