Bullet Journal Doodles: Fall Fun

One of my favorite things about Fall is the FUN! Fun can mean different things for different people... but for me, it's cozy socks and a good book. For others, it could mean festivals and apple picking... while other people dedicate their Fall Sunday's to football!
Here, I've shown you how to create 5 fun and easy doodles! These are perfect for your planners and calendars if you need to mark an event for a certain day without having to write anything!
This week, I wanted to show you how to create these doodles using 4 different illustration techniques. Faber-Castell USA products are perfect for experimenting and pushing yourself creatively! Once you have your simple doodle drawn, figure out how you can push it further to create something truly unique. The possibilities are endless!
You can download a fun free printable HERE!
Stay tuned for more tutorials, but beware... next week, something SPOOKY this way comes! (insert evil laugh here!)
Thanks for stopping by, keep creating!