Bullet Journal Doodles: Adding Detail and Depth

How to Add Detail & Depth with Doodles


Today, we're going to talk about adding detail and depth to your doodles! My favorite tools to use for this task, are my trusty Brush Pitt Artist PensĀ®! The colors are vibrant and have almost a painterly quality when layered.

How to Add Detail & Depth to Doodles with Pitt Artist Pens and Poly Ball

I've decided to show you this technique on a wooden frame because it looks difficult but is really not all that complex to create!

First, start with your basic outlines, and then connect the corners to create your frame. Once you've created your simple frame, color it with the color of your choosing. I decided to go for a tan/light brown color. Give your doodle a moment to dry, and then using the same color, go over your colored frame, but only on certain edges. This will create depth. If you are unsure where to layer your color, look at real life objects for inspiration and light direction.

How to Add Detail & Depth to Doodles Steps

After you have added your depth, it's time to add some detail! With a color slightly darker than your original color, begin to lightly add a wood grain to your frame. Once that is complete, finish off your doodle with some shading! My favorite pen for this method is a Pitt Artist Brush Pen in Warm Grey 272. For the exterior, I like to run the grey along the bottom and along the right side. For the interior, I run the pen along the top and along the left side.

Seasonal Additions Doodles

As you can see, this method created depth within the frame itself, and casts a shadow, giving it a 3D appearance. If you want to change things, feel free to make it your own! You can add seasonal elements, as seen here... you can use whichever colors you prefer, or for a different effect, you can fill the center in with black marker to create a fun chalkboard!

I have created a printable for your use HERE - please enjoy, and keep creating!


Ā Artist Nicole Barlettano (@plansthatblossom) Biography


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